Every child who visits our full day receives a wide range of activities and promotional offers from which they can freely choose.
Half-day children can also take part in school activities.
We offer instruction in various instruments:
With the Mindener Drummers and Pfeiferkorps we practice common larger pieces. Here children are also taught in music theory and learn to read music and basic knowledge in harmony. We included a school choir / solo singing. We also have a dance company. All children perform regularly in small concerts or at the annual Musical Stadttheater.
Also in the field of sports we offer a few AGs:
football AG with tournaments
ball games AG
sports game AG
swim/ water habituation
circus AG
Here we offer the following offer:
model railway AG
needlework (embroidery, knitting, crochet …)
art (painting on easels, with different materials …)
works with wood
building and crafting (with different materials)
At our school, native language instruction is offered in Arabic, Greek Russian, Albanian and Turkish.
There is an English AG, in addition to regular English lessons.
Children regularly read in two nursing homes and in a daycare. Children read along with people with intellectual disabilities in the meeting center Café Klee
In the public library they participate in the program Onilo.
Together with the Municipal Theater and the Municipal Library, the project “Moving Literature” was born. Children receive literature from the city library for a play. Together, the piece is selected and discussed. This is followed by the visit to the theater.
chess AG
film working community (films are created by yourself)
play afternoon in the library
projects in the Museum
exploration of the city in cooperation with the employees in the One World Village
participation in the family cinema in the BÜZ
cook and bake
board games AG
Once a year there is a survey among the children about their desired AGs. We strive to fulfill these wishes.